« Singing History for Democracy »

Une centaine de lycéens européens, dont 30 élèves de 1ère Spécialité anglais LLCE de Michelet, ont travaillé cette année en collaboration et en anglais dans le cadre d’un projet eTwinning. Ils ont étudié ensemble l’Histoire et la lutte pour la démocratie à travers le prisme de quelques comédies musicales célèbres. Le résultat de leur travail est publié sous forme de livre numérique à consulter ici.

Ce projet a reçu le label de qualité européen.


Présentation du projet en anglais :

Singing History for Democracy is a project for students from Italy, France, Poland and Spain. The objective of the project  is to raise teenagers’ awareness of the important role that people’s participation plays in the preservation of democracy. It was devised as a creative way of studying history through musicals. Taking contemporary history as a content framework and musicals as an artistic way of expression of people’s voice, students are meant to work on musical songs showing how people have had to struggle for democracy, freedom and human rights throughout history in different ways and under diverse circumstances. Getting to understand the historical background, the lyrics of the songs will turn meaningful and inspiring for the students’ own creations and their collaborative contribution to keep democracy alive. The international teams worked on a process of research, information sharing, creation of digital and interactive illustrations, edition and publication of the eBook.